Grow in Faith

Sunday Scripture
Every Sunday before worship service
at 9:15 am in Nan's Room
Join us as we come together to study and explore the teachings of the Bible as they relate to the day's worship service. The group provides a supportive and communal environment where members can both encourage and challenge one another in their faith journey. This is a wonderful opportunity to
foster spiritual growth with a deeper understanding of the Bible while building meaningful relationships with fellow parishioners.

Brown Bags & Bibles
Thursday afternoons at 12:00 pm in the Parlor
Bring a lunch and grab a seat as we gather together in shared faith and fellowship. Participants will engage in pastor-led discussions based on Bible readings and explore their meaning and relevance in their lives. We encourage open dialogue, allowing everyone to share their insights, questions, and experiences as they relate to Scripture.


free online Bible website for verse search
and in-depth studies
free daily devotional resources
to help you stay connected to God
email reflections featuring Richard Rohr and the CAC faculty,
as well as guest teachers and authors,
reflecting on the wisdom and practices
of the Christian contemplative tradition