"Giving and Receiving"
This year’s consecrating stewardship theme encourages all to give to help others as an act of faith and an act of love. We give because God is the greatest giver. All that we have – indeed, all that we are – comes from God. God gives us his love every day. God promises us repayment for our generosity.
Give and it shall be given back to you... (Luke 6:38)
Legacy and
Planned Estate Giving
Legacy giving is a wonderful way to make a mindful and impactful gift to the church. A legacy giver is a person who makes a permanent donation in the form of a will/bequest, real estate, gift annuities, gifts of securities, an IRA, or life insurance. What better way to celebrate your history with PRC than with a legacy gift?
Giving in Worship
We welcome you to give in-person during Sunday worship services. Envelopes for weekly and special occasion gifts are available upon request. We are so blessed by the continued generosity of our members.
Online Giving
We welcome you to give through PayPal, where you can make one-time or automatic recurring donations.
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion,
for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7