What We Believe
We believe that Jesus Christ is our Prophet, Priest and King, that Jesus Christ lived, died and rose from the dead and has become the head and cornerstone of the church. We believe that the Bible (Hebrew Scriptures/Old Testament and Christian Scriptures/New Testament) is the Word of God for our lives, our ministries and our mission. We believe that groups of people (assemblies) led by the Holy Spirit following Christ are how we make decisions in life and faith. Our congregation’s leadership is made up of Ministers of Word and Sacrament, Deacons and Elders. These 3 offices work together to form our Consistory, our governing board of the church. Although our congregation is blessed to have a certain level of autonomy, we also believe it is important to belong to other congregations and to a denomination. Our congregation belongs to the Classis of Passaic Valley (a group of Reformed churches in North Jersey) and to the Reformed Church in America.
Mission Statement
Responding to Christ's Call
Our Vision
Living in God's Presence,
Open to the Spirit,
Called to be the Hands of Christ
Our Mission
Preakness Reformed Church is a Worshiping Community
that is called to:​
grow in deeper relationships with God and one another.
equip people to live as disciples of Jesus.
serve our community, our world, and each other.
reflect the grace and truth of Jesus Christ.
Our Response
We will respond to this call and carry out our Mission with these shared values:
We will worship and pray, teach God’s Word and learn to live faithfully, support one another, encourage stewardship and generosity, share God’s gifts, and love and serve our neighbor, truthfully and gratefully.